    _____               ____          _       __ 
   /  _( )____ ___     / __ \____ _  (_____ _/ /_
   / / |// __ `__ \   / /_/ / __ `/ / / __ `/ __/
 _/ /   / / / / / /  / _, _/ /_/ / / / /_/ / /_  
/___/  /_/ /_/ /_/  /_/ |_|\__,___/ /\__,_/\__/  

Second-year student at Ashoka University.
Pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science.
Interested in web development, computer hardware and systems, and AI.

Please download my resume here

|          ____________________________________
|         /                                   /   
↓        / Delhi Public School               /
|-------/ CBSE                              /
|      / 2016-2021                         /
|     / Class XII: 93.8%, Class X: 95.4%  /
|    /___________________________________/
|          ____________________________________
|         /                                   /                              
↓        / Ashoka University                 /
|-------/ BSc. Computer Science (Hons.)     /
       / 2021-2024                         /
      / CGPA: 3.31                        /
|   ___________________________________________________
|   |                                                  |
|   |  pre-reg helper:                                 |
|   |  |                                               |
|   |  ├---Description:                                |
|   |  |   └-I built a webapp that lets the students   |
⎣___|  |      of my college visualise time-tables and  |
|   |  |      better decide what courses to take.      |
|   |  |                                               |
|   |  └---Link: prereg-helper.netlify.app             |
|   ⎣__________________________________________________⎦
|   ___________________________________________________
|   |                                                  |
|   |  decipher:                                       |
|   |  |                                               |
|   |  ├---Description:                                |
|   |  |   └-Ideated and built the front-end for a     |
⎣___|  |      cryptic-hunt style game for my college's |
    |  |      cultural festival.                       |
    |  |                                               |
    |  └---Link: deciper-banjaara.netlify.app          |
Tools I Use:
Python JavaScript & TypeScript Mongo + Express + React + Node C & Rust React Native R & Plumber Flutter Blender Photoshop Figma Illustrator Premiere Pro After Effects

Skills I Have:
Graphic Design UI/UX Design 3D Modelling Branding